
September 21, 2014

‘Master Solar’ – Cairns Event

'The Master Solar'

As a co-sponsor of Crystal Skull World Day, it has been my pleasure offer assistance with this landmark initiative, including donating the use of my music for the video meditation. To coincide with the global video hook-up and the other gatherings throughout the world on the day, I will be mounting an event in Cairns, at which ‘The Master Skull Solar’ will be present ‘in person’.


Crystal Skull Meditation with ‘The Master Skull Solar’

Venue Details and Booking 

DATE: Sunday November 23rd
TIME: 9am – 12 noon
VENUE:   Dungarvan Conference Room
Seville Conference Centre
35 Bauhinia Ave
, Cairns


BOOKINGS:   Lia: – 0419 486 073 

*Lia will be overseas from Sept 28th – Oct 26th
Please book online or via email during this time*

Book Online  – Cairns Crystal Skull Event 

I would be most appreciative if you could share the poster and flyer for the event below with your friends and social networks, and perhaps post one in your local Community Noticeboard.

Download Poster
Download DL Flyer



For those travelling from outlying regions or Interstate who may want to stay in Cairns overnight the night before, the Conference Centre also offers incredibly cheap accommodation on site, at $55 per night. The ‘Seville’ is located in a tropical setting located at the foot of the Coastal Range. The peaceful environment features beautifully kept grounds with tracts of natural bushland, that provide a tranquil experience for all who step into the environs. To book a room, please contact the Seville Centre manager direct:

Julie Clarkson:
Ph: 07 – 4054 6988    Mob: 0417992062


Your Crystal Skulls and Crystals

CSWD Skull altar

As this event is in support of and will specifically be linking in with Crystal Skull World Day Meditation  I encourage all attendees to bring your own personal Crystal Skull. If you don’t have access to a crystal skull don’t worry – you can bring a personal crystal instead! During the ceremony, we will hold our crystal skulls/crystals and, as a group we will link in with all the other groups across the globe, in sending out a loving, healing energy to the planet.
*A selection of crystal skulls currently awaiting their new caretakers can be found on the Sounds of Sirius online store. Some of these will be available on the day.*

Your crystals will also of course, receive the energy of the Master Skull Solar and the transformative frequencies of the ‘Sacred Sirian Source Codes’ I will bring through for the group on the day. Many people attending past events, have reported amazing physical changes occurring within their crystals as well as themselves!

“Lia, I attended your Crystal Skull workshop on Good Friday. I had my, completely clear quartz crystal pendulum in my handbag that morning, which since then has filled with wonderful striations. It looks like it has a spider web inside and it feels like it has woken up! I have asked the pendulum to encode all my crystals at home, so they are currently all sitting happily together ‘waking up’ . This was a ‘coming home’ experience for me. Amazing! Thank you for opening us to the skull energy.”
Di Clarke

“Thank you for an awesome ceremony! I noticed this morning that the crystal skull Brett caretakes has changed his colour – it is much clearer. I’ve seen this with some of my crystal children before, but never with a crystal skull…I felt so blessed to see this.”    Heather Rabbich 

“Lia, I’m looking at my crystal that I had in the circle last night and it now has the appearance of  a skull??!!

kuranda - Skull transformation


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