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Mystical Ireland Crystal Grid

In the months before I embark on any sacred travels, I spend time in meditation focusing on the journey ahead. Certain Crystals usually come forward to lend their Light Consciousness to the sacred process at hand, as they have done in preparation for our ‘Mystical Ireland’ Journey of Love.

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August & the Mega LeMurian Eclipse

What a month! Between the opening of the Lion’s 8.8.8 Gateway on August 8th, the powerful total Solar Eclipse on August 21st, five planets in retrograde, and high turbulence in the world around us, is it any wonder we are feeling strung out! James Tyberon’s article on the current planetary landscape is very enlightening.

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Rainbow Magic

Rainbow Magic Rainbow Magic on view from our balcony in Cairns last week! A perfect arc of pure joy that appeared for a just seconds, but left a lasting impression!

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Inner Child Healing

When used together, ‘Starsong’ and ‘Song Of The Earth’ have proven to be profound Inner Child therapy. The high frequency vibrations contained within these two albums have been gifted to help reconnect us once more with our soul’s true essence.

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